Live the life YOU want!

I did not grow up thinking I would some day become a Yoga Teacher. My parents did stress to me at an early age that if I were to attend post-secondary school I should chose an academic program that would get me a “good job” that payed well. When I chose a business program my father would ask me (tongue and cheek) “What are you going to be after this? A business person?”. For ten years after university I worked for a major corporation in an industry I knew nothing about until the night before they interviewed me. I gained some great knowledge and experience while I was there but if someone were to ask me if I was happy there, happy with my professional life…I couldn’t say “YES” confidently. I had to alter my behaviors and habits to fit the mold of an employee I thought I had to be while working there. I wasn’t living a life true to who I was. I remember a coworker asking me once “If you could do any job in the world what would it be?” Without hesitating I said “A Yoga Teacher”. It was my heart that spoke in that moment, and it actually caught me by surprise. Then my head got in the way and I quickly followed it up with, “But that will never happen”.

While on maternity leave with my first child I did a lot of soul searching. I had time to step back and figure out the big picture of where I wanted to be in life and what was going to make me happy. It wasn’t money, it wasn’t a bigger house or anything like that. I knew that I wanted to spend as much time as I could enjoying my daughter, I wanted an active lifestyle, and I wanted to help people. But in that moment I didn’t know what that was going to look like. So I went back to work and every day my heart broke a little when I would drop her off at daycare so early in the morning and pick her up so late in the evening for a job I wasn’t passionate about. I still shudder thinking of those times. I’m not saying this is a bad “scenario” to be in but it just wasn’t for me and I was unhappy with it. Then I got pregnant with my son and decided it was time to really focus on how I was going to make some healthy changes for myself and for my family.

I took a leap of faith. I decided to follow a professional path that was very different from the one I had been on for so long. There were moments of fear and moments of doubt but the moments of excitement far outweighed the less uplighting ones. There were ups and downs and many sacrifices were made but all of this kept me on the path towards the goals I had laid out for myself. I started listening to that beautiful voice in my heart that spoke to me that day with my coworker and told my head to take it easy. Now I feel like nothing is stopping me. I don’t always have a perfectly laid plan but I do have a map. And the map says that I will some times make pit stops, take the scenic route or take a short cut towards the messages my heart sends me. So maybe it’s time to ask yourself if you are living the life YOU want. Don’t stop and think about the answer, say the first thing that comes up. Then write it down or say it aloud. Then you go full out in that direction and never look back! When you start moving towards a goal that excites you and brings you joy there is nothing and no one that can stand in your way!

Stay tuned to my blog for more inspiration or leave a comment.

About angela j

Angela is a certified Yoga Teacher and specializes in Yoga for Athletes, Pre and Postnatal yoga. She teaches various workshops and teacher trainings in Canada.