Honouring Myself

Mother’s day for this year has come and gone. Even though I have been a mother myself for nearly nine years I still find the lead up and the day very difficult since I lost my mom to cancer twelve years ago. I tend to anticipate the sadness of the day by busying myself and making plans other than celebrating. And this is what I did this year. I knew my love for teaching yoga teacher trainees would be a happy way to spend the day so I committed myself to that.

One of the topics I shared with the group was the importance of taking care of yourself as a teacher and a yogi. We discussed how some days you have to give your classes to other teachers when you are feeling tired and drained. I know from past experience that trainings that last for full days and weekends leave me feeling this way yet a voice in my head said “You will be fine to teach your regular classes on Monday morning. You have toughed it out before. You can do this”. While I can appreciate my internal motivational speaker at times, I had to stop and ask myself why I felt the need to “tough it out”. Luckily I have a profession that allows me to take time off so I did just that. No plans for most of the day just an opportunity to rest and listen to my body. As my children left for school they asked me: “What are you going to do all day? Just lay around and drink coffee?” My answer was: “Something like that”. I feel it is important to show them that I decided I needed a day to slow down and honour myself as a woman and as a mother. I want them to learn that parents need time to take care of themselves so that they can be parents who are present, healthy and happy individuals. Perhaps if my mother had shown me I wouldn’t be hearing the “tough it out voice”.

So today, the day after Mother’s Day, I’m slowing down to honour my mother and the sacrifices she made for her four kids. And I’m honouring myself as a mother and my need to rest and renew.

“There is no way to be a perfect mother….but a million ways to be a good one.”


My Mom and I on Lake Kamaniskeg, her happy place.