5 things to do before labour begins

5 things to do before labour begins

Those last few weeks of pregnancy are tough. Physically, your belly has grown larger than you ever thought imaginable. Isn’t it amazing that your child has been growing in there, and your body supporting him? Emotionally most women are just done and want labour to start. Endless questions from family, friends and strangers asking “when is the baby due” have got you feeling like this pregnancy is never going to end. Remember that your due date is called an estimated due date and babies sometime need more time. So, here are some things you can do to enjoy and cherish these precious days before life gets a bit more chaotic with a newborn!

  1. Plan lunch, dinner, or coffee dates with friends. It might be a while before you will have time to do this again so relish these moments to connect with the people you love. Their conversation and company will surely keep your mind off of due dates and labour and the enjoyment might just get some oxytocin moving through your body!
  2. Pamper yourself! Book a massage, pedicure, hair cut, whatever suits you and let yourself relax and enjoy. It’s unlikely you will have a chance to do any of this type of self-care once baby is here and why not start labour rested and refreshed.
  3. Speaking of refreshed….TAKE NAPS! Take many naps, lots of naps! The better rested you are when labour starts the more energy you will have to bring baby earth side.
  4. DANCE! Put on your favourite booty-shaking songs and dance away. This movement will help you relax all of your muscles around your pelvis and get baby into an optimal position. Plus dancing just makes you feel good!
  5. Make love! There I said it. Sexual intercourse is known to help soften your cervix as semen contains prostaglandins and the uterine contractions during an orgasm release oxytocin which help during labour. If this sounds like the furthest thing from what you would enjoy this late in your pregnancy how about a snuggle and some smooching. That would also be beneficial in getting labour going and a great way for you and your partner to connect before most of your attention is needed to care for your baby.

I know this is a difficult stage but remember that you will soon be staring into the eyes of your new baby!

Why I recommend dance lessons for kids

Why I recommend dance lessons for kids

I started dance lessons at the age of 3. Maybe it was because I loved to move as an toddler or maybe, more than likely, it was because my mother danced herself. At around age 8 I started competing in jazz and ballet which entailed lots of classes, practices, rehearsals and performances. When I was 16 years old I decided dance was no longer for me. And it wasn’t until this past weekend that I really decided what I thought about all those years filled with dance.

I danced a lot. And I believe I burnt out as a teenager. I didn’t see a future for me in dance and I was enjoying athletics more and more so I decided to drop dance cold turkey. It wasn’t until I had a daughter that I started to reflect more on whether all that time (and money!) spent dancing was worth it and whether I would want her to follow a similar path. I sacrificed a lot as a child to dance. Missed events with friends and not a lot of family travel since the cost to dance was high and most weeks off of school were for competitions. I wasn’t sure if I wanted all of that for her. But in time she started to ask about dance lessons. We took some baby steps and signed her up for baby ballet which led to jazz and ballet, however, only recreational so that she had time to explore this for herself. This past weekend she performed in her dance studio’s year-end recital. The morning of she was extremely nervous and hesitant. Immediately I asked myself “Am I unconsciously pushing her to do this?”. Watching the show took me back. I felt so many emotions that I wasn’t even really sure what I was feeling. I remember one of my dance teachers used to “ugly” cry at the end of every recital. And now I get it. There is such a culmination of emotion, blood, sweat and tears. You see all the hard work of the dancers, teachers, and parents come together. When my daughter performed she appeared so joyful and at ease on stage, all of her worries melted away as her bright red smile spread from ear to ear. She came off stage and told me how much fun she had, how happy she was and how she never wanted her routines to end. Her statements hit me like a punch to the stomach (in a good way!). This is how I used to feel. This is why I devoted so much time to dance. And maybe it wasn’t all a waste of time.

So here are 5 reasons why I recommend dance lessons for kids:

  1. It’s a great form of exercise. They work every muscle in their body and it’s physical hard work. Dance requires the perfect balance between strength and flexibility which will be beneficial no matter if they stick with dance or move onto something else.
  2. They learn coordination and proprioception. My start in dance prepared me for other endeavors. I went on to play baseball, volleyball, track, basketball and rugby. Dance helped me with each of these sports.
  3. Dance builds confidence. When a young person steps on stage they gain self-esteem. This will be used in all aspects of life and will stay with them into adulthood.
  4. Friendships are formed. Dancers work together as a team and support one-another. I still keep in touch with people that I danced with.
  5. Dance is creative and a form of self-expression. It allows individuals to express themselves just like music and art.

I may not have become a professional dancer but I now know, after revisiting the world of dance through my daughter’s eyes, that my time in dance created a pretty awesome foundation for life. So for now I will use these talents and skills in other areas and continue to rock the living room dance party at home and the occasional wedding!


thumbnail_IMG_6118.jpgOne of my sisters and I in what would be my last time competing in jazz.